Xref: uw-beaver comp.simulation:2592
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From: nicol@crappy-f.icase.edu (Nicol David)
Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Subject: Call For Papers SIGMETRICS '96
Date: 26 Aug 1995 15:33:28 GMT
Organization: ICASE/NASA Langley
Lines: 146
Approved: dowd@eng.buffalo.edu (Patrick Dowd)
Message-ID: <41nes8$qcm@azure.acsu.buffalo.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: spiny.eng.buffalo.edu
Originator: dowd@spiny.eng.buffalo.edu

		      1996 ACM SIGMETRICS  
International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems} 
(in conjunction with the ACM 1996 Federated Computing Research Conference) 

		     May 23-26, 1996 
		     Philadelphia Marriott
		     Philadelphia, PA 
	          Sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS 


  Register as a referee for this conference, see URL


An international forum for state-of-the-art work on performance issues 
in computer systems: theory, practice and case studies. 
Topics include but are not restricted to:

Performance-oriented design and evaluation studies of
	*Communication networks 	*Computer  architecture 
	*Database systems 		*Distributed systems 
	*File and I/O systems 		*Fault-tolerant systems  
	*Memory systems 		*High speed networks, ATM  
	*Interconnection networks 	*Multimedia systems  
	*Operating systems 		*Real-time systems

Techniques and algorithms for:
    *Performance optimization  		*Stochastic modeling 
    *Model verification and validation  *Experimental design 
    *Petri Nets 			*Reliability analysis and measurement
    *Workload characterization          *System measurement 
    *Simulation and statistical analysis 

The default process for submitting papers (in Postscript) will 
be through the World Wide Web.  See URL 


or send a request for instructions to the Program Chairman, at nicol@cs.wm.edu .
Permission to submit through other means (and instructions for
doing so) must be obtained 
from the Program Chairman We will accept submissions for

  Papers should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages (excluding figures 
  and tables).  

Hot Topic Sessions: 
  Back by popular demand! A group of authors will
  present and discuss their recent results in an area. 
  A proposal identifying the chairman who is the organizer of the session, 
  a title, three to five authors, the titles of
  their talks and include a 100 word abstract of each talk.

  Send proposals of 1-2 pages for 90 minute and 3 hour 
  pre-conference tutorials to the tutorials chair.

Important deadlines:

  October  13, 1995 	Submission 
			(the program chairman must have a printed copy

  December 15, 1995     Notification of acceptance 
  January  31, 1996}    Camera-ready copy due 

Abstracts of the Hot Topic talks will be included in the conference 
Proceedings. The Proceedings will also be published as a special issue 
of ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 

We especially invite papers demonstrating the Integration of
Systems and Theory, and will present an award for
the best such paper.  

Student award paper(s) will be appropriately recognized.
(To qualify for a student paper award, the submission must 
indicate that the primary author is a full-time student.  
It is not necessary that the student be the sole 
author of the paper.) 

Dan Reed 		David Nicol 		Carey Williamson 
General Chair 		Program Chair		Tutorials Chair
Dept. of Comp. Sci. 	Dept. of Comp. Sci. 	Dept. of Comp. Sci. 
University of Illinois	William and Mary  	University of Saskatchewan 
Urbana 			Williamsburg 		57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon 
IL, 61801 USA 		VA, 23185 USA 		SK S7N 5A9, Canada 
reed@cs.uiuc.edu        nicol@cs.wm.edu 	carey@cs.usask.ca 
(217) 333 3807 		(804) 221 3458 		(306) 966-8656 

		     Conference Committee

Dan Reed (Illinois) -- General Chair  
David Nicol (William and Mary) -- Program Chair 
Carey Williamson (Saskatchewan) -- Tutorials 
Mark Holliday (Western Carolina) -- Proceedings 

		    Program Committee

Scott Baden          (Univ. of Calf., San Diego) 
Gianfranco Ciardo    (William and Mary)
Chita Das            (Penn State) 
Peter Danzig         (Univ. of Southern Calf.)  
David DeWitt         (Univ. of Wisconson) 
Carla Ellis          (Duke University)  
Alois Ferscha        (Univ. of Vienna)  
Richard Fujimoto     (Georgia Tech) 
Bruno Gaujal         (INRIA) 
Ed Gehringer         (North Carolina State Univ.) 
Robert Geist	     (Clemson University)
Garth Gibson         (Carnegie Mellon University)
Albert Greenberg     (ATT Bell Labs) 
Anoop Gupta          (Stanford University)  
Peter Harrison       (Imperial College)  
Philip Heidelberger  (IBM Research)  
Robert Jump          (Rice) 
Harry Jordan         (Univ. of Colorado)  
David Kotz           (Dartmouth)  
Will Leland          (Bellcore) 
Scott Leutenegger    (Univ. of Denver)  
Miron Livny          (Univ. of Wisconson) 
Dick Muntz           (Univ. of Calf, Los Angles)
Vernon Rego          (Purdue)  
Joel Saltz           (Univ. of Maryland)  
Sanjeev Setia        (George Mason University) 
Ken Sevcik           (Univ. of Toronto)  
Rahul Simha          (William and Mary)  
Billy Stewart        (North Carolina State Univ.)  
Mark Squillante      (IBM Research)  
Xian-He Sun          (Louisana State University) 
Don Towsley          (Univ. of Mass.)  
Kishor Trivedi       (Duke University) 
David Wood           (Univ. of Wisconson)